Terms and Conditions
- Cancellation Policy
The following cancellation fees will be made:
30 Days prior to arrival: 50% of the fee charged.
14 Days prior to arrival: 75% of the fee charged.
7 Days prior to arrival: 100% of the fee charged.
All rates are quoted in USD and shall be paid Net. Bank transfers and cheques are accepted as payment.
- Liability
Kenzan Wildlife Safaris does not and will not accept any responsibility for any accident or incident of any nature involving clients, which may occur in or while travelling to or from our properties or while participating in any activities arranged by us.
- Rate Increase or Variation
Kenzan Wildlife Safaris reserves the right to change the rates, terms, and conditions in this agreement without notice, after every effort is made to maintain them.
- Confidentiality
The agent confirms that the above contract is confidential and that none of the above stated should be disclosed to any third party.
- Breach of Contract
In the event of non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions in this agreement, Kenzan Wildlife Safaris will consider it a breach of contract, making this contract null and void. It may also cancel any booking paid or unpaid as a result of the breach and claim damages due.